G100RSGB; Thursday and Friday (19-20th July)
July 17th, 2013 | by m1bxf |On Thursday and Friday (19-20th July), we will be activating G100RSGB, the RSGB Centenary callsign from Worts Causeway. Everyone is welcome.
The location: http://bit.ly/WortsCauseway
We’ll be on air from 0000Z (1am local time) Thursday until 2359Z Friday (1am Saturday morning), which means we will be setting up from 6pm (local) Wednesday evening, and clearing away on Saturday morning.
Please do come and visit at any time throughout that period – you’re welcome to operate if you wish (we’ll have several stations on 80m-10m, 6m, 2m and 23cm), or you can enjoy the sunshine we’re predicted to have.
We’ll have a BBQ on the go for much of the time – feel free to bring something to cook if you wish (though don’t bring an excess, please – otherwise we end up with a lot of wasted food at the end).
One small point – because there’s no mains power on site, we’re running everything on generators. Not a problem, but it does mean that over the 48 hours of operation plus setup, we will burn somewhere around £250 of petrol. If you’re visiting and are able to make a small contribution to this, that would be much appreciated.
If you can’t visit us – please work us instead!
We’ll try and monitor GB3PY when possible, and will keep our Twitter account (http://twitter.com/g3pye) updated throughout.
Rob, M0VFC
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