Thinking Day On The Air
February 14th, 2011 | by m1bxf |On the 19th of February the Camb-Hams will be taking Flossie out to help the Hundingdon ARS with Thinking Day on the Air (TDOTA) at the West Cambridgeshire Guide Headquarters at Abbotts Ripton.
We shall have the call sign GB1CWG (Cambridgeshire West Guides). The Guides will arrive at 2.00pm for the young Brownies, 4.00pm Guides and 6.00pm onwards for the Senior Guides. We expect to operate up until midnight, then vacate the site to leave it clear for the girls and return in the morning to "tear down" (and hopefully play a little more radio first). We hope to work both HF and VHF/UHF, and maybe some Echolink via GB3PY.
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