Author Archive

Shack QSO total reaches 4000

Friday, April 24th, 2009

At 2315 UTC this evening Rob MM0VFC worked Cambridge local, Michael – G7VJR, for QSO number 4000!

The last supper

Friday, April 24th, 2009

Friday Evening 24th April 2009: 1900pm (By GM4HUN) Well, that’s almost it. We’ve had a spectacular run on 20m and 40m today, as our QSO total from the shack approaches 4000. We’ve taken down the Spiderbeam and the VHF aerials, so we’re running on just the G5RV and the ...

Wednesday – April 22nd 2009: 2115pm (By GM4HUN)

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

That’s it! Just logged the 3000th QSO – with LA8BCA on 80m.